Our team

We want to help refugees and migrants to find legal support and thus obtain a fair and transparent procedure.

Challenge Entrepreneurship (Herausforderung Unternehmertum)

The project Allesrechtens.de has been supported by the German Economy Foundation (Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (sdw)) and Heinz Nixdorf Foundation (Heinz Nixdorf Stiftung) within the project Herausforderung Unternehmertum during the first year. During this period we have been granted financial and non-material assistance through coaching and seminars. Moreover, we benefit from the knowledge and network of sdw. We used this opportunity to develop Allesrechtens.de as an information portal about legal advice concerning aliens and asylum law.

Nicole Ehlers

Project lead, lawyers

Tian Shum

Project lead, finance, legal

Sophia Ruiz

Project lead, strategy

Rechtliches, Rechtsberatungsstellen

Legal, legal aid offices

Florian Gareis

IT/website programming

Filiz Günyar

IT/website programming

Elias Saalmann

IT/website programming

Paul Förderreuther

IT/website programming