
If you have received a letter in German (e.g. from a local authority) and you do not understand it or you are not sure what to do with it, we will help you via ApploadForHelp.

How does it work?

  1. Download our app ApploadForHelp to your Smartphone.
  2. Scan the letter using the app.
  3. Specify whether you would like to receive the response in German or English.
  4. Receive an individual response.

What kind of response will I receive?

We will take a look at your letter and are going to answer your question within 48 hours in German or English letting you know about the next steps and where you can get support.

We do not give legal advice but provide initial assistance if you do not know what to do with your letter.

I cannot reply to your response. Why?

We want to make sure that as many people as possible can benefit from our service and receive a timely response. Since we have a high number of requests every day, we cannot answer your replies due to capacity reasons.

However, our replies are designed to provide clear and comprehensible support and let the person concerned know where to find further assistance. If you have any suggestions, constructive criticism or ideas regarding our app, we are looking forward to your message via

Wichtige Hinweise

Wir erteilen keinen Rechtsrat, sondern geben nur eine erste Hilfestellung, wenn jemand nicht weiß, was er als nächstes tun soll mit einem Schreiben oder einem Brief.

Haftungssausschluss – Datenschutzerklärung